# The Math of Covid-19 ### How simple math can help us stop the spread together!

## Chapter 1: A Doctor in Distress Why does the doctor want to talk to us so badly? Let's video call her and find out!

What we're up against

This is just one cell in the human body! It must be covered in thousands of coronaviruses! But the total number of viruses involved in an infection will be much much larger!
Let's tackle some more numbers!
The number of digits when you write down a number is known as the ORDER OF MAGNITUDE of the number.

Exercise 1

Move all four sliders into the correct positions.

Correct! The number of grains of rice in India has order of magnitude at least 10^13. The number of people on Earth is on the order of 10^9. And the number of hours in a year is 8760, which is most likely more than the number of students in your school.


The sliders are not in the correct positions yet! Keep working.

Hmmm...Large numbers acting suspiciously? Guess we'd better visit the Baker to find out more.