# The Math of Voting ### How we can elect leaders that better represent our interests

Welcome back to Cuemath Valley, where an election approaches. While the current mayor is happy to retire from his post, he’s deeply suspicious of the two candidates, who are gaming the system and dividing the population of Cuemath Valley against one another. Can you help him devise the mathematically perfect voting system before his term ends? It may sound daunting, but you will have some assistance -- in the form of late-night visitations from the Ghosts of Elections Past, Present, and Future! There's a lot to do, so better video call the mayor -- who appears to be fast asleep! Maybe the sound will wake him up?

Or, have you completed this episode already, and want to go to a specific chapter? Click any of the chapter links below!
Prologue: An Election Approaches
Chapter 1: The Ghost of Elections Past
Chapter 2: The Ghost of Elections Present
Chapter 3: The Ghost of Elections Future
Chapter 4: A Perfect Voting System?